For more information on the annotation used, please refer to the NCBI assembly page GCF_000001405.26
human_genbank_GRCh38.zipThis table contains annotation data, experimental evidence and functional predictions. For details: Samandi S et al. (2017)
human_genbank_GRCh38_functionnal_annotation.zipFor more information on the annotation used, please refer to the NCBI assembly page GCF_000001405.25
human_genbank_hg19.zipThese predictions are based on the chimpanzee genome annotation version 2.4.1
Pan_troglodytes-2.1.4.zipThese predictions are based on the mouse genome annotation version GRCm38
mouse_GRCh38.zipThese predictions are based on the Ensembl Bos taurus genome annotation release UMD3.1.86
bostaurus_ensembl_UMD3.1.86.zipThese predictions are based on the Ensembl xenopus genome annotation release JGI_4.2
xenopus_XT_JGI_4.2.zipThese predictions are based on the Ensembl zebrafish genome annotation release Zv9.79
zebrafish_ZV9.79.zipThese predictions are based on the fly genome annotation version 6.07
Drosophila_melanogaster_6.07.zipThese predictions are based on the worm genome annotation version WS251
c_elegans_WS251.zipThese predictions are based on the RefSeq yeast genome annotation assembly release GCF_000146045.2